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How to Find the Perfect Shade of Green


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Looking to go green? It’s is a versatile and refreshing color. When used in your home, green can be used to create a number of moods and feelings. There are so many gorgeous shades, though, that it can be difficult to know where to begin choosing the best green for your space.

Although color psychology is absolutely a legitimate field, most color psychology theories you see online are wildly over-generalized. In reality, the same shade of a color will have wildly different impacts from one person to the next.

That’s right— there truly is no “best shade of green” for interior design. No one shade of green is universally calming or energizing, regardless of what pop science may tell you. For one person, a dark forest green might feel rich and sophisticated, while to someone else that same color might feel gloomy and depressing. Our experiences, cultural backgrounds, and unique preferences contribute to our responses to colors far more than you might assume.

So, if you’re struggling to find the right shade of green for your next project (or if you simply can’t get enough of the color), we’ve got you covered. Read on for 30 gorgeously green ORC rooms, plus tips to find your perfect shade of green.

Warm Green

The first way to narrow down the search for your perfect green is to figure out whether you prefer warm greens or cool greens.

Warm greens lean towards the yellow end of the spectrum. These shades of green tend to feel more lively and energetic due to the yellow tones. As you can see from the images below, the saturation and lightness of the green has a big effect on its mood, but on the whole these greens tend to feel cheerful.

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Cool green

On the other hand, cool greens have more blue undertones.

The shades of green in the images below vary from deep emerald to summer green or even seafoam, but all fall within the cool end of the green spectrum. Cool greens on the whole tend to feel more serene than warm greens due to the blue undertones.

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Using green to make a moody vibe

Green is an incredibly underrated choice in a dark and moody space.

Dark green shades like forest green or deep emerald can add depth, richness, and intensity to a room, evoking a sense of drama and intrigue.

As you can see in the images below, dark green can look amazing in a warm or cool shade, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Our favorite green interior paints

Accents of green

You also don’t have to go all in on green—incorporating accents or pops of green will still bring so much energy and freshness into a space. The shades and uses of green in the images below could not be more different. Which are you most drawn to?

Muted green

Once you’ve decided if you prefer warm or cool greens, and light or dark greens, the last variable is saturation. Muted colors in general tend to feel more calming and soft. Muted or dusty greens tend to work very well in spaces that lean Scandinavian or rustic, and pair beautifully with natural materials like wood or rattan.

Now that you know whether you prefer warm or cool green, light or dark green, and bright or muted green, choosing your perfect shade should hopefully be a breeze.

As always, we highly recommend taking the time to really consider how a color makes you feel, and if that aligns with how you want to feel in your space, be that calm, happy, creative, etc., rather than choosing a color that’s trending.

Green Accent Ideas

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