Banana Republic's New Home Collection Is Here


Neutral, minimal interior with natural textures and beautifully made, sculptural furniture from BR Home

Adding a "Home" collection is de rigueur for brands presently, and Banana Republic has just launched theirs. They describe it as "An exclusive collection of globally inspired furnishings, accents, and art created by the world's most distinctive makers and artisans."

If you read the words "exclusive" and "artisans" and inferred pricey, you'd be correct. As compared to Banana Republic's clothing line, the price point of their home pieces is quite a jump.


The collection includes sectionals, coffee tables and side tables, lighting, dining tables and chairs, rugs, beds, bedding, nightstands, mirrors, art, pillows and throws, and more.

The look is for those who want global, textural, and sculptural pieces that still look very minimal and neutral. For that market, creating a room with this collection would be very easy because the pieces work together seamlessly.


A handful of our favorite pieces from the new collection…


The Order of Operations for Room Refreshes, Makeovers, and Total Renovations


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